Los 2802
Nikephoros Botaneiates (the future emperor), kouropalates and doux of Anatolikon, 1074-1077. Seal (Lead, 28 mm, 22.30 g, 12 h). Θ / Δ/H/M/H-T/P/I/O/C Saint Demetrios, nimbate, standing facing, wearing elaborately jeweled cloak, holding spear in his right hand and resting his left on shield. Rev. +KЄ R,Θ, / NIKHΦⲰ[P]Ⲱ / K૪POΠAΛA’ / S ΔUΞ TⲰN A/NAT,ΛIK, TⲰ / ROTANЄI/ATH in seven lines. DO Seals III 86.18. Zacos/Veglery 2690. An interesting seal of the later emperor as a high-ranking military commander. Pierced, otherwise, good very fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

The stellar career of the later emperor, Nikephoros Botaneiates, can be traced in the sigillographic record. Quite a number of his seals are known, the earliest of which attest the relatively modest court rank of anthypatos patrikios in the 1050s. During the 1060s and early 1070s, he was promoted continually until he held the elevated rank of sebastos in circa 1077, just before his revolt in October of that year. Our seal mentions him being kouropalates, the court dignity that ranks just below sebastos. He is first known to have carried this title during the battles against the Norman rebel, Roussel de Bailleul, in Asia Minor in 1074, which implies that our seal, which also mentions the military command of doux of Anatolikon, must be dated to the years just before Nikephoros received the title of sebastos and his subsequent ascension to the purple (1074-1077).
50 CHF
360 CHF
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